The world has gone kinda bonkers on many fronts, we’re all pretty aware of that. One of those fronts is our relationship with new stuff. It’s a tricky one, because new stuff is awesome... who doesn’t like new stuff?
With the mass market system we’ve established, it’s become cheaper to simply replace a damaged item than to fix it, or at least the expense is so high to fix it that people opt to get a brand new replacement instead.
"It’s become cheaper to simply replace a damaged item than to fix it."
Although replacements are easier on the bank account, the true cost is passed onto the environment. Our fast-paced consumer approach is taking its toll, and disastrously, many of Earth’s systems are falling to their knees because of it.

Earth is taking a hiding from all the new stuff we're making.
We think that completely sucks, and I’m sure you do too.
Inspired by our pals at Patagonia, we want to turn our obsession with buying more stuff on its head at Offcut. When you buy an Offcut, you’ll be tying the knot with your cap. From that beautiful day forth, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death tears you apart, your Offcut will be by your side (well... more likely on your head).
If your Offcut takes a hit, we’ve got your back. We will always try to fix the damaged cap using fewer resources than if we were to give you a new one. We’ll also plant you a tree to offset the additional emissions associated with the transport of the Offcut to the cap hospital.
"If your Offcut takes a hit, we’ve got your back."
But this is a mutual understanding: you have to look after your cap too. We can’t be fixing caps left, right and centre... that model doesn’t work either because it does, in fact, cost us more to fix caps than replace them. So why do we do it? Because it's important to us, and it's our way of helping you consume less.

So, it’s a team effort. You do your best, and so will we. And you know what? You could even give fixing it yourself a go. We’ve seen some wicked efforts in the past and will always help you wherever we can if you give it a crack.
The bottom line is: let’s just look after our stuff. Everything we keep alive prevents resources going into something new, and the old thing getting chucked out. That's a win for all of us.
"The bottom line is: let’s just look after our stuff."
We’re not naive and, of course, sometimes we all need new stuff. But I’d argue a lot of the time, we don’t. Let’s torpedo the quantity over quality fallacy and re-establish what we’ve been told since writing essays at school: it’s quality over quantity.
The environment will give you an A+ for sure, and that scorecard is the most important card going right now.
Dan brother………………. I thought this was you. Safe travels on the Ice………………… pass the butter Bro.